If you have a problem with getting no credit for your pictures here I'm not a stealer, Please check: (NOTE) in the links at top of page. Dc vs. ps2- Another sites overlook, but a great one! Dreamcast Vs ps2 showdown 
First off lets say this, the ps2 has raw power, the dreamcast does too. The ps2 has a good game, all the dreamcast's games are great. The ps2 has 4 mb of video ram, the dreamcast has 4 mb too plus another 4 = 8 mb of video ram. The ps2 is ----------- Big, the dreamcast------ '-----------' '----' '--------/ Is much smaller. The dreamcast supports play between pc, mac, and other dc's online...The ps2 does not. The dreamcast come's fully equiped for online play with a modem, web browser disc and a sampler... The ps2 doesn't...We have to face it, the ps2 realy sucks right now, your not gonn'a have fun with it at all. If your realy such a hater of sega at least buy the x-box instead...Hell a gamecube will be better. But there is one place that the ps2 shines and that is squaresoft, hey without square sony's as good as dead, and look at dc! it's liv'n without them at all. If sega get's in trouble they know how to make quality games. If sony get's in trouble they know how to make a disc man. Plus what better reason to buy a dc? It is on-sale for $99.99 right now at most retailers with everything included. The ps2 is onsale at playstation.com only for $299.99, no game, no sampler disc, nothing but unit, cables, controller. s&h $19.00. sounds like a deal? then go grab one, it may be the worst decision of your life....Screw sony HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! 
Obvious PS2 Crazy Taxi joke here You've probably all already come up with this gag yourselves. Allow us to put it into pictures for you, for the benefit of those of you who don't have the necessary old-school digital font to put the cash score in the corner like we've done. It's just too easy: 
Hey I ain't from UK or anything but here's a funny hate letter from a UK site He he he... Anonymous gift of comedy Where? We don't know. But this anonymous letter "from" ex-Sega Europe boss JF Cecillion is definitely worthy of publishing. Whoever created this masterpiece is not at all shit.
Innovative new PS2 device revealed! Concerned about inferior display and gaming problems with your new PS2? Finding it difficult to pretend that you're actually glad you spent $500 on a crippled machine with a couple of nasty games? Then simply purchase this handy device - see how your gaming experience improves almost exponentially!

The ultimate add-on for your underperforming PS2.
